American Heart Association  American Red Cross

Part 8: First Aid

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There is a paucity of research in the field of first aid. Without research into first aid interventions, recommendations must be derived indirectly from hospital-based, animal, or, at best, emergency medical services (EMS) studies.
1.1Definition of First Aid

We define first aid as helping behaviors and initial care provided to a person for an acute illness or injury.

The goals of a first aid provider include preserving life, alleviating suffering, preventing further illness or injury, and promoting recovery.

First aid can be initiated by anyone in any situation and includes self-care.

First aid assessments and interventions should be medically sound and based on scientific evidence or, in the absence of such evidence, on expert consensus.

First aid competencies include, at any level of training,

  • Recognizing, assessing, and prioritizing the need for first aid
  • Providing care by using appropriate knowledge, skills, and
  • behaviors Recognizing limitations and seeking additional care when needed

The scope of first aid is not purely scientific; it is influenced by both training and regulatory constraints. The definition of scope is therefore variable and should be defined according to circumstances, need, and regulatory requirements.

1.2First Aid Education

Education and training in first aid can be useful to improve morbidity and mortality from injury and illness. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

We recommend that first aid education be universally available. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

2Calling for Help

First aid interveners need to know:

  • how and when to access the EMS system (eg. by calling 911)
  • how to activate the site-specific emergency response plan, if there is one
  • how to contact the Poison Control Centre (1-800-222-1222 throughout North America)
  • that they should call for advanced care immediately, if warranted, and not be unduly delayed by providing care to the ill or injured
  • that threats to life that should take priority over calling for help, namely addressing airway, breathing and circulation or severe uncontrolled bleeding
3Positioning the Ill or Injured

Generally, an ill or injured person should not need to be moved, especially when a pelvic or spine injury is suspected.

If the area is unsafe for the first aid provider or the person, move to a safe location if possible. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If a person is unresponsive and breathing normally, it may be reasonable to place him or her in a lateral side-lying recovery position. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Extend one of the person’s arms above the head and roll the body to the side so that the person’s head rests on the extended arm. Once the person is on his or her side, bend both legs to stabilize the body.

If a person is unresponsive and not breathing normally, proceed with basic life support guidelines (see Part 5: Adult Basic Life Support)

If a person has been injured and the nature of the injury suggests a neck, back, hip, or pelvic injury, the person should not be rolled onto his or her side and instead should be left in the position in which they were found, to avoid potential further injury. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If leaving the person in the position found is causing the person’s airway to be blocked, or if the area is unsafe, move the person only as needed to open the airway and to reach a safe location. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

4Position for Shock

If a person shows evidence of shock and is responsive and breathing normally, it is reasonable to place or maintain the person in a supine position. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD) {LINK: 2015 Part 15} (link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If there is no evidence of trauma or injury (eg, simple fainting, shock from nontraumatic bleeding, sepsis, dehydration), raising the feet about 6 to 12 inches (about 30° to 60°) from the supine position is an option that may be considered while awaiting arrival of EMS. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Do not raise the feet of a person in shock if the movement or the position causes pain. (Class 3:Harm, LOE C-EO) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

5Oxygen Use in First Aid

Despite the common use of supplementary oxygen in various medical conditions, there is little evidence to support its use in the first aid setting.

Administration of oxygen is not considered a standard first aid skill. However, oxygen may be available in some first aid environments and requires specific training in its use.

The use of supplementary oxygen by first aid providers with specific training is reasonable for cases of decompression sickness (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

For first aid providers with specific training in the use of oxygen, the administration of supplementary oxygen to persons with known advanced cancer with dyspnea and hypoxemia may be reasonable (Class 2b, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

Although no evidence was identified to support the use of oxygen, it might be reasonable to provide oxygen to spontaneously breathing persons who are exposed to carbon monoxide while waiting for advanced medical care (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

There is insufficient evidence to recommend routine use of supplementary oxygen by a first aid provider for victims complaining of chest discomfort or shortness of breath. (Class 2b, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)

For individuals with suspected stroke, the routine use of supplemental oxygen by first aid providers is not recommended. (Class 3: No Benefit, C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

6Medical Emergencies 6.1Bronchodilators for Asthma With Shortness of Breath

First aid providers will likely encounter persons with a previous diagnosis of asthma and prescribed inhaled medication who have acute difficulty breathing and/ or wheezing.

It is reasonable for first aid providers to be familiar with the available inhaled bronchodilator devices and to assist as needed with the administration of prescribed bronchodilators when a person with asthma is having difficulty breathing. (Class 2a, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

6.2Stroke Recognition

Stroke outcomes improve with the prompt recognition of stroke signs and early access to time-sensitive interventions.

First aid providers can use weakness in the face (eg, droop), arm, or grip on one side of the body or speech disturbance to identify signs of potential stroke and activate emergency services immediately when an individual exhibits any of these symptoms.

After activating emergency services, first aid providers who are able to measure blood glucose may do so and report this number to emergency services.

To recognize a possible stroke, first aid providers can use the signs of weakness in the face (eg, droop), arm or grip on one side of the body or speech disturbance and should active emergency services as quickly as possible if any of these signs are present. (Class: 2a, COR C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

First aid providers who are trained and equipped to measure capillary blood glucose may do so in individuals with suspected stroke and report those values to emergency services. Blood glucose measurement should not delay the initial call for emergency services. (Class: 2b, COR CL-D)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

6.3Chest Pain

It can be very difficult to differentiate chest pain of cardiac origin, such as a heart attack or myocardial infarction, from other origins.

Common warning signs of a possible heart attack include chest discomfort, discomfort in other areas of the upper body (including pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach), shortness of breath and other signs such as nausea, sweating (ie, breaking out in a cold sweat), and light headedness. 

Call EMS immediately for anyone with chest pain or other signs of heart attack, rather than trying to transport the person to a healthcare facility yourself. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

While awaiting the arrival of emergency services, first aid providers may encourage alert adults experiencing nontraumatic chest pain to chew and swallow aspirin unless the person experiencing pain has a known aspirin allergy or has been advised by a healthcare provider not to take aspirin. (Class: 2b, LOE: C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

The suggested dose of aspirin is 1 adult 325-mg tablet, or 2 to 4 low-dose “baby” aspirins (81 mg each), chewed and swallowed. {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If a person has chest pain that does not suggest that the cause is cardiac in origin, or if the first aid provider is uncertain or uncomfortable with administration of aspirin, then the first aid provider should not encourage the person to take aspirin. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

The decision to administer aspirin in these cases may be deferred to an EMS provider with physician oversight.


Most allergic reactions do not require epinephrine, but a small portion of reactions can progress to anaphylaxis.

Epinephrine is recommended for anaphylaxis, and persons at risk are typically prescribed and carry an epinephrine autoinjector.

An anaphylactic reaction involves 2 or more body systems and can be life-threatening.

Symptoms may include:

  • respiratory difficulty (such as wheezing),
  • cutaneous manifestations (such as hives or swelling of the lips and eyes),
  • cardiovascular effects (such as hypotension, cardiovascular collapse, or shock),
  • gastrointestinal cramping and diarrhea.

People who suffer from anaphylactic reactions know their signs and symptoms and many carry a lifesaving epinephrine auto-injector.

With proper training, people can learn to correctly use an auto- injector to administer epinephrine in anaphylactic emergencies.

First aid providers should also know how to administer the auto-injector if the victim is unable to do so, provided that the medication has been prescribed by a physician and state law permits it. (Class 2b, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) The recommended dose of epinephrine is 0.3 mg intramuscularly for adults and children greater than 30 kg, and 0.15 mg intramuscularly for children 15 to 30 kg, or as prescribed by the person’s physician.

First aid providers should call 9-1-1 immediately when caring for a person with suspected anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

When a person with anaphylaxis does not respond to the initial dose, and arrival of advanced care will exceed 5 to 10 minutes, a repeat dose may be considered. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)


The general principles of first aid management of seizures are to:

  • Ensure an open airway
  • Prevent injury

Do not restrain the victim during a seizure. Do not try to open the victim’s mouth or try to place any object between the victim’s teeth or in the mouth. Placing an object in the victim’s mouth may cause dental damage or aspiration. (Class 2a, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

It is not unusual for the victim to be unresponsive or confused for a short time after a seizure.


Hypoglycemia can manifest as a variety of symptoms, including:

  • confusion
  • altered behavior
  • diaphoresis
  • tremulousness

Diabetics who display these symptoms should be assumed by the first aid provider to have hypoglycemia.

If the person is unconscious, exhibits seizures, or is unable to follow simple commands or swallow safely, the first aid provider should call for EMS immediately. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

For an individual with suspected hypoglycemia who is awake and able to swallow, the first aid provider should encourage the individual to swallow glucose (eg, tablets, liquid, gel). Emergency services should be activated if symptoms do not resolve within 10 minutes or symptoms worsen. (Class 1, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

It is reasonable to use dietary sugars* as an alternative to glucose tablets (when not available) for reversal of mild symptomatic hypoglycemia. (Class 2a, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

*Orange juice (unsweetened, from concentrate), Jelly beans, Sucrose candy (Skittles), Glucose 71%/oligosaccharides 29% candy (Mentos), Fructose (fruit leather, such as Stretch Island), Whole milk

For children with suspected hypoglycemia who are awake but unwilling or unable to swallow glucose, it may be reasonable to apply a slurry of granulated sugar and water under the tongue. (Class 2b, LOR C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

For diabetics with symptoms of hypoglycemia, symptoms may not resolve until 10 to 15 minutes after ingesting glucose tablets or dietary sugars (Table 1)(link opens in new window).

First aid providers should therefore wait at least 10 to 15 minutes before calling EMS and re-treating a diabetic with mild symptomatic hypoglycemia with additional oral sugars. (Class 1, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

If the person’s status deteriorates during that time or does not improve, the first aid provider should call EMS. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

For an individual with suspected hypoglycemia who is not awake or not able to swallow, it is not recommended to administer glucose orally; it is not recommended to administer glucose orally; for these individuals, emergency services should be active immediately. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)


Syncope is a transient loss of consciousness that results from global cerebral hypoperfusion. It can lead to falls and injuries. Many victims of syncope have recurrent episodes.

Vasovagal and orthostatic syncope are responsible (combined) for about one-third of all syncope. The underlying physiology of both conditions is decreased blood return to the heart, leading to decreased cardiac output, decreased global cerebral perfusion, and subsequent loss of consciousness.

The symptoms preceding loss of consciousness are known as presyncope and can last for a few seconds before onset of vasovagal and orthostatic syncope. Associated signs and symptoms include:

  • Pallor
  • Sweating
  • Lightheadedness
  • visual changes and
  • weakness

Presyncope presents recognizable signs and symptoms and a period during which rapid first aid treatment could improve symptoms or prevent syncope from occurring.

Victims of vasovagal and orthostatic syncope can be taught to recognize signs of presyncope and apply physical counter-pressure maneuvers (see Table 2)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window), including handgrip, arm tensing, abdominal muscle tensing, leg crossing with tensing, squatting, and neck flexion. These maneuvers may reduce symptoms of presyncope and prevent syncope.

If a person experiences signs or symptoms of presyncope (including pallor, sweating, lightheadedness, visual changes, and weakness) of vasovagal or orthostatic origin, the priority for that person is to maintain or assume a safe position such as sitting or lying down. Once the person is in a safe position, it can be beneficial for that person to use physical counterpressure maneuvers to avoid syncope. (Class 2a; LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2019 First Aid}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If a first aid provider recognizes presyncope of suspected vasovagal or orthostatic origin in another individual, it may be reasonable for the first aid provider to encourage that person to perform physical counterpressure maneuvers until symptoms resolve or syncope occurs. If no improvement occurs within 1 to 2 minutes or if symptoms worsen or reoccur, providers should initiate a call for additional help. (Class 2b; LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2019 First Aid}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If there are no extenuating circumstances, lower-body physical counterpressure maneuvers are preferable to upper body and abdominal physical counterpressure maneuvers. (Class 2b; LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2019 First Aid}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

The use of physical counterpressure maneuvers is not suggested when symptoms of a heart attack or stroke accompany presyncope. (Class 3: Harm; LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2019 First Aid}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

6.8Exertional Dehydration

Vigorous exercise, particularly in hot and humid environments, can lead to significant dehydration with loss of water and electrolytes through sweat.

Ingestion of 5% to 8% carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions facilitates rehydration after exercise-induced dehydration and is generally well tolerated.

In the absence of shock, confusion, or inability to swallow, it is reasonable for first aid providers to assist or encourage individuals with exertional dehydration to orally rehydrate with carbohydrate electrolyte drinks. (Class 2a, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

For individuals with severe dehydration with shock, confusion or symptoms of heat stroke, immediately activate the EMS system then begin immediate cooling, preferably by immersing the victim up to the chin in cold water. Heat stroke requires emergency treatment with intravenous fluids. Do not try to force the victim to drink liquids. See Heat Emergencies, below.

Other beverages, such as coconut water and 2% milk, have also been found to promote rehydration after exercise-associated dehydration, but they may not be as readily available. If these alternative beverages are not available, potable water may be used. (Class 2b, LOE B-R)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

6.9Toxic Eye Injury

It can be beneficial to rinse eyes exposed to toxic chemicals immediately and with a copious amount of tap water for at least 15 minutes or until advanced medical care arrives. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If tap water is not available, normal saline or another commercially available eye irrigation solution may be reasonable. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

First aid providers caring for individuals with chemical eye injury should contact their local poison control center or, if a poison control center is not available, seek help from a medical provider or 9-1-1. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7Trauma Emergencies 7.1Bleeding
Control of bleeding is an important first aid skill.
7.1.1Direct Pressure

The use of pressure points or elevation of an extremity to control external bleeding is not indicated. (Class 3: No Benefit, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

The standard method for first aid providers to control open bleeding is to apply direct pressure to the bleeding site until it stops. Control open bleeding by applying direct pressure to the bleeding site. (Class 1, LOE B-NR)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.1.2Localized Cold Therapy

There are limited data from the hospital setting demonstrating a benefit from application of localized cold therapy compared to direct pressure alone to closed bleeding, such as a bruise or hematoma. Local cold therapy, such as an instant cold pack, can be useful for closed bleeding, such as a bruise or hematoma, to an extremity or scalp. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Cold therapy should be used with caution in children because of the risk of hypothermia in this population. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)


Because the rate of complications is low and the rate of hemostasis is high, first aid providers may consider the use of a tourniquet when standard first aid hemorrhage control does not control severe external limb bleeding. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

A tourniquet may be considered for initial care when a first aid provider is unable to use standard first aid hemorrhage control, such as during a mass casualty incident, with a person who has multisystem trauma, in an unsafe environment, or with a wound that cannot be accessed. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

A manufactured tourniquet should be used as first-line therapy for life-threatening extremity bleeding and should be placed as soon as possible after the injury. (Class 1, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

If a manufactured tourniquet is not immediately available or if a properly applied manufactured tourniquet fails to stop bleeding, direct manual pressure, with the use of a hemostatic dressing if available, should be used to treat life-threatening extremity bleeding. (Class 1, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

If a manufactured tourniquet is not available and direct manual pressure with or without the use of a hemostatic dressing fails to stop life-threatening bleeding, a first aid provider trained in the use of an improvised tourniquet may consider using one. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

Note the time that a tourniquet is first applied and communicate this information with EMS providers.

It is reasonable for first aid providers to be trained in the proper application of tourniquets, both manufactured and improvised. (Class 2a, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

Specifically designed tourniquets appear to be better than ones that are improvised, but tourniquets should only be used with proper training. (Class 2a, LOE B)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)

7.1.4Hemostatic Dressings

Hemostatic dressings are likely of greatest use:

  • for severe external bleeding in locations where standard hemorrhage control is not effective,
  • when a tourniquet cannot be applied (trunk or junctional areas such as the abdomen or axilla/groin),
  • when a tourniquet is not available,
  • when a tourniquet is not effective to stop bleeding.

For individuals with life-threatening external bleeding, direct manual pressure should be applied to achieve initial bleeding cessation for wounds not amenable to a manufactured tourniquet or when a manufactured tourniquet is not immediately available. (Class 1, LOE C-LD) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

If a hemostatic dressing is available, it can be useful as adjunctive therapy to direct manual pressure for the treatment of life-threatening external bleeding. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

Once bleeding has been controlled, it may be reasonable to apply a pressure dressing to maintain bleeding cessation. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

Mechanical pressure, such as pressure bandages or devices, might be considered in some situations when direct manual pressure is not feasible. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

The use of indirect manual pressure (eg, pressure points) is not recommended for the treatment of life-threatening external bleeding. (Class 3: No Benefit, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

7.2Superficial Non thermal Wounds and Abrasions

Superficial wounds and abrasions should be thoroughly irrigated with a large volume of warm or room temperature potable water with or without soap until there is no foreign matter in the wound. (Class 1, LOE A)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)

Cold water appears to be as effective as warm water, but it is not as comfortable. If running water is unavailable, use any source of clean water.

Wounds heal better with less infection if they are covered with an antibiotic ointment or cream and a clean occlusive dressing. (Class 2a, LOE A)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)

Apply antibiotic ointment or cream only if the wound is an abrasion or a superficial injury and only if the victim has no known allergies to the antibiotic.

7.3Open Chest Wounds

Management of an open chest wound in out-of-hospital settings is challenging and requires immediate activation of EMS.

Improper use of a dressing or device could lead to air trapping in the lung and fatal tension pneumothorax.

We recommend against the application of an occlusive dressing or device by first aid providers for individuals with an open chest wound. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

In the first aid situation, it is reasonable to leave an open chest wound exposed to ambient air without a dressing or seal. (Class 2a, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If a nonocclusive dressing, such as a dry gauze dressing, is applied for active bleeding, care must be taken to ensure that saturation of the dressing does not lead to partial or complete occlusion.


The classic signs of concussion after head trauma include feeling stunned or dazed, or experiencing:

  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • dizziness and unsteadiness (difficulty in balance)
  • visual disturbance,
  • confusion, or loss of memory (from either before or after the injury)

The various grades and combinations of these symptoms make the recognition of concussion difficult.

Changes in symptoms may be subtle and yet progressive.

First aid providers are often faced with the decision as to what advice to give to a person after minor head trauma: an incorrect decision can have long-term serious or even fatal consequences.

Any person with a head injury that has resulted in a change in level of consciousness, has progressive development of signs or symptoms as described above, or is otherwise a cause for concern should be evaluated by a healthcare provider or [by] EMS personnel as soon as possible. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Using any mechanical machinery, driving, cycling, or continuing to participate in sports after a head injury should be deferred by these individuals until they are assessed by a healthcare provider and cleared to participate in those activities. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.5Spinal Motion Restriction

The terms spinal immobilization and spinal motion restriction have been used synonymously in the past. Because true spinal immobilization is not possible, the term spinal motion restriction is now being used to describe the practice of attempting to maintain the spine in anatomical alignment and minimize gross movement, with or without the use of specific adjuncts such as collars.

With a growing body of evidence showing more actual harm and no good evidence showing clear benefit, we recommend against routine application of cervical collars by first aid providers. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If a first aid provider suspects a spinal injury, he or she should have the person remain as still as possible and await the arrival of EMS providers. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.6Musculoskeletal Trauma 7.6.1Sprains and Strains

Soft-tissue injuries include joint sprains and muscle contusions.

Cold application decreases hemorrhage, edema, pain, and disability, and it is reasonable to apply cold to a soft-tissue injury.

Cooling is best accomplished with a plastic bag or damp cloth filled with a mixture of ice and water; the mixture is better than ice alone.

Refreezable gel packs do not cool as effectively as an ice-water mixture.

To prevent cold injury, limit each application of cold to periods ≤20 minutes. If that length of time is uncomfortable, limit application to 10 minutes. Place a barrier, such as a thin towel, between the cold container and the skin. (Class 2b, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)

First aid providers may consider applying a compression wrap during the recovery of an ankle sprain or strain to promote comfort if they are trained to apply a compression wrap. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

Heat application to a contusion or injured joint is not as good a first aid measure as cold application.

7.6.2Suspected Long Bone Fractures

Long bone fractures may at times be severely angulated.

In general, first aid providers should not move or try to straighten an injured extremity. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Based on training and circumstance (such as remote distance from EMS or wilderness settings, presence of vascular compromise), some first aid providers may need to move an injured limb or person. In such situations, providers should protect the injured person, including splinting in a way that limits pain, reduces the chance for further injury, and facilitates safe and prompt transport. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If an injured extremity is blue or extremely pale, activate EMS immediately. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.7Burns 7.7.1Thermal Burns Cooling

Burns can come from a variety of sources such as hot water (scalds) and fire. It is known that applying ice directly to a burn can cause tissue ischemia.

Don’t apply ice directly to a burn; it can produce tissue ischemia. (Class 3, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Cool thermal burns with cool or cold potable water as soon as possible and for at least 10 minutes. (Class 1, LOE B-NR)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If cool or cold water is not available, a clean cool or cold, but not freezing, compress can be useful as a substitute for cooling thermal burns. (Class 2a, LOE B-NR)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Care should be taken to monitor for hypothermia when cooling large burns. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) This is particularly important in children, who have a larger body surface area for their weight than adults have.

7.7.2Burn Dressings

After cooling of a burn, it may be reasonable to loosely cover the burn with a sterile, dry dressing. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Leave blisters intact because this improves healing and reduces pain.

Loosely cover burn blisters with a sterile dressing but leave blisters intact because this improves

healing and reduces pain. (Class 2a, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

After cooling of a burn, in general, it may be reasonable to avoid natural remedies, such as honey or potato peel dressings. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

In remote or wilderness settings where commercially made topical antibiotics are not available, it may be reasonable to consider applying honey topically as an antimicrobial agent. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.7.3Burns When Advanced Care is Needed

Burns associated with or involving (1) blistering or broken skin; (2) difficulty breathing; (3) the face, neck, hands, or genitals; (4) a larger surface area, such as trunk or extremities; or (5) other cause for concern should be evaluated by a healthcare provider (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.8Electric Injuries

Cardiopulmonary arrest is the primary cause of immediate death from electrocution.

Cardiac arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation, ventricular asystole, and ventricular tachycardia that progresses to ventricular fibrillation, may result from electric injuries.

Respiratory arrest may result from electric injury to the respiratory center in the brain or from tetanic contractions or paralysis of respiratory muscles.

When current traverses the body, thermal burns may be present at the entry and exit points and along its internal pathway.

Do not place yourself in danger by touching an electrocuted victim while the power is on. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Turn off the power at its source; at home the switch is usually near the fuse box.

Immediately notify the appropriate authorities (eg, 911 or fire department) in case of high-voltage electrocutions caused by fallen power lines,

Do not enter the area around the victim or try to remove wires or other materials with any object, including a wooden one, as all materials conduct electricity if the voltage is high enough. Wait to approach the victim until the power has been turned off by knowledgeable personnel.

Once the power is off, assess the victim, who may need CPR, defibrillation, and treatment for shock and thermal burns.

All victims of electric shock require medical assessment because the extent of injury may not be apparent.

7.9Human and Animal Bites 7.9.1Snakebites

Do not apply suction as first aid for snakebites. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Suction has no clinical benefit and it may aggravate the injury.

Applying a pressure immobilization bandage with a pressure between 40 and 70 mm Hg in the upper extremity and between 55 and 70 mm Hg in the lower extremity around the entire length of the bitten extremity is a reasonable way to slow the dissemination of venom by slowing lymph flow. (Class 2a, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

For practical purposes pressure is sufficient if the bandage is comfortably tight and snug but allows a finger to be slipped under it.

7.9.2Jellyfish Stings

To inactivate venom load and prevent further envenomation, jellyfish stings should be liberally washed with vinegar (4% to 6% acetic acid solution) as soon as possible for at least 30 seconds (Class 2a, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

If vinegar is not available, a baking soda slurry may be used instead.

For the treatment of pain, after the nematocysts are removed or deactivated, jellyfish stings should be treated with hot-water immersion when possible. (Class 2a, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Instruct the victim to take a hot shower or immerse the affected part in hot water (temperature as hot as tolerated, or 45°C if there is the capability to regulate temperature), as soon as possible, for at least 20 minutes or for as long as pain persists. If hot water is not available, dry hot packs or, as a second choice, dry cold packs may be helpful in decreasing pain but these are not as effective as hot water. (Class 2b, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Topical application of aluminum sulfate or meat tenderizer, commercially available aerosol products, fresh water wash, and papain, an enzyme derived from papaya used as a local medicine, are even less effective in relieving pain. (Class 2b, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Pressure immobilization bandages are not recommended for the treatment of jellyfish stings because animal studie8 show that pressure with an immobilization bandage causes further release of venom, even from already fired nematocysts. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

7.10Dental Avulsion

Dental avulsion injury can damage both the tooth and the supporting soft tissue and bone, resulting in permanent loss of the tooth.

Immediate reimplantation of an avulsed tooth is believed to result in the greatest chance of tooth survival.

In situations that do not allow for immediate reimplantation, it can be beneficial to temporarily store an avulsed tooth in a variety of solutions shown to prolong viability of dental cells. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

If an avulsed permanent tooth cannot be immediately replanted, it can be beneficial to place the tooth in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution or in oral rehydration salt solutions or wrap the tooth in cling film to prevent dehydration and improve the likelihood of successful replantation by a dental professional, which should be done as soon as possible. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

If an avulsed permanent tooth cannot be immediately replanted and neither Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution, oral rehydration salt solutions, nor cling film is available, storage of the tooth in cow’s milk or saliva may be considered. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

An avulsed permanent tooth should not be stored in tap water. (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

Viability of an avulsed tooth stored in any of the above solutions is limited. Reimplantation of the tooth within an hour after avulsion affords the greatest chance for tooth survival.

Following dental avulsion, it is essential to seek rapid assistance with reimplantation. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2015 Part 15}(link opens in new window)

8Environmental Emergencies 8.1Cold Emergencies 8.1.1Hypothermia

Hypothermia is caused by exposure to cold. The urgency of treatment depends on the length of exposure and the victim’s body temperature.

Begin rewarming a victim of hypothermia immediately by moving the victim to a warm environment, removing wet clothing, and wrapping all exposed body surfaces with anything at hand, such as blankets, clothing, and newspapers.

If the hypothermia victim is far from definitive health care, begin active rewarming, although the effectiveness of active rewarming has not been evaluated. (Class 2a, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Active rewarming should not delay definitive care.

Potential methods of active rewarming include placing the victim near a heat source and placing containers of warm, but not hot, water in contact with the skin.


Frostbite usually affects an exposed part of the body such as the extremities and nose.

In case of frostbite, remove wet clothing and dry and cover the victim to prevent hypothermia.

Transport the victim to an advanced medical facility as rapidly as possible.

Do not try to rewarm the frostbite if there is any chance that it might refreeze or if you are close to a medical facility. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Minor or superficial frostbite (frostnip) can be treated with simple, rapid rewarming using skin-to-skin contact such as a warm hand.

Severe or deep frostbite should be rewarmed within 24 hours of injury and this is best accomplished by immersing the frostbitten part in warm (37° to 40°C or approximately body temperature) water for 20 to 30 minutes. (Class 2b, LOE C)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Chemical warmers should not be placed directly on frostbitten tissue because they can reach temperatures that can cause burns. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

Following rewarming, efforts should be made to protect frostbitten parts from refreezing and to quickly evacuate the patient for further care.

8.2Heat Emergencies

Heat-induced symptoms, often precipitated by vigorous exercise, may include heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Heat cramps are painful involuntary muscle spasms that most often affect the calves, arms, abdominal muscles, and back. First aid for heat cramps includes rest, cooling off, and drinking an electrolyte-carbohydrate mixture, such as juice, milk, or a commercial electrolyte-carbohydrate drink. Stretching, icing, and massaging the painful muscles may be helpful. Exercise should not be resumed until all symptoms have resolved.

Heat exhaustion is caused by a combination of exercise-induced heat and fluid and electrolyte loss through sweat. Signs and symptoms may start suddenly and include:

  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • muscle cramps
  • feeling faint
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • heavy sweating

Heat exhaustion is a serious condition because it can rapidly advance to heat stroke which can be fatal. Treat heat exhaustion vigorously by having the victim lie down in a cool place, take off as many clothes as possible, cooling with a cool water spray, and encouraging the victim to drink cool fluids, preferably containing carbohydrates and electrolytes.

Heat stroke and exertional hyperthermia are emergency condition characterized by a core temperature greater than 40°C (104°F) (severe hyperthermia) and central nervous system dysfunction (eg, confusion, seizures, coma). For these individuals, it is important to bring the body’s temperature down as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of organ injury or death. Immediately activate the EMS system and begin immediate cooling.

For adults and children with exertional hyperthermia or heat stroke, first aid providers should move the individual from the hot environment, remove excess clothing, limit exertion, and activate emergency services. (Class 1, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

For adults with exertional hyperthermia or heatstroke, it is reasonable to initiate immediate active cooling by using whole-body (neck down) cool- to cold-water immersion techniques (1°C–26°C [33.8°F–78.8°F]), when safe, until a core body temperature of <39°C (102.2°F) is reached or neurological symptoms resolve. (Class 2a, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

For adults with exertional hyperthermia or heatstroke, it may be reasonable to initiate other forms of active cooling, including commercial ice packs, cold showers, ice sheets and towels, cooling vests and jackets, evaporative, fanning, or a combination of techniques, when water immersion is not available. (Class 2b, LOE C-LD)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

For children with exertional hyperthermia or heatstroke, it may be reasonable to initiate immediate active cooling by using whole-body (neck down) cool- to cold-water immersion techniques (1°C–26°C [33.8°F–78.8°F]), when safe, until a core body temperature of <39°C (102.2°F) is reached or neurological symptoms resolve. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)

For children with exertional hyperthermia or heatstroke, it may be reasonable to initiate other forms of active cooling, including commercial ice packs, cold showers, ice sheets and towels, cooling vests and jackets, evaporative cooling, fanning, or a combination, when water immersion is not available. (Class 2b, LOE C-EO)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2020 First Aid}(link opens in new window)


Methods of preventing drowning include:

  • isolation fencing around swimming pools (gates should be self-closing and self-latching)
  • use of personal flotation devices (life jackets) while in, around, or on water
  • never swimming alone
  • avoiding swimming or operating motorized watercraft while intoxicated.

Outcome following drowning depends on the duration of the submersion, the water temperature, and how promptly CPR is started.

Remove the victim rapidly and safely from the water, but do not place yourself in danger.

If you have special training, you can start rescue breathing while the victim is still in the water, providing that it does not delay removing the victim from the water.

Do not waste time trying to remove water with abdominal or chest thrusts as there is no evidence that water acts as an obstructive foreign body. In addition, the abdominal thrusts may result in expulsion of stomach contents that can be aspirated. In addition, the expelled stomach contents can obstruct the upper airway, interfering with delivery of rescue breaths.

Start CPR and, if you are alone, continue with about 5 cycles (about 2 minutes) of chest compressions and breaths before activating EMS.

If 2 rescuers are present, send 1 rescuer to activate EMS immediately, and retrieve emergency equipment, including an AED, if one is nearby.

9Poison Emergencies
If the patient exhibits any signs or symptoms of a life-threatening condition, (eg, sleepiness, seizures, difficulty breathing, vomiting) after exposure to a poison, activate the EMS immediately.
9.1Poison Control Centers

The Poison Help hotline of the American Association of Poison Control Centers (1-800-222-1222) is an excellent resource in the United States for information about treating ingestion of, or exposure to, a potential poison.

Further information is available at opens in new window).

When phoning a poison control center or other emergency medical services, know the nature and time of exposure and the name of the product or toxic substance.

9.2Chemical Burns

Brush powdered chemicals off the skin with a gloved hand or piece of cloth.

Remove all contaminated clothing from the victim, making sure you do not contaminate yourself in the process. In case of exposure to an acid or alkali on the skin or eye, immediately irrigate the affected area with copious amounts of water. (Class 1, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)

For chemical injuries to the eye, see “Toxic Eye Injuries,” above.

9.3Ingested Poisons 9.3.1Treatment With Milk or Water
Do not administer anything by mouth for any poison ingestion unless advised to do so by a poison control center or emergency medical personnel because it may be harmful. (Class 3, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)
9.3.2Activated Charcoal
Do not administer activated charcoal to a victim who has ingested a poisonous substance unless you are advised to do so by poison control center or emergency medical personnel. (Class 2b, LOE C)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) There is no evidence that activated charcoal is effective as a component of first aid.
Do not administer syrup of ipecac for ingestions of toxins. (Class 3, LOE B)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) {LINK: 2010 Part 17}(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window) It may produce intractable vomiting that can delay or complicate treatment in a healthcare facility.
10Authorship and Disclosures


  • Jeffrey L. Pellegrino, PhD, MPH, Co-Chair
  • Nathan P. Charlton, MD, Co-Chair
  • Jestin N. Carlson, MD, MS
  • Gustavo E. Flores, MD, NRP
  • Craig A. Goolsby, MD, MEd*
  • Amber V. Hoover, RN, MSN
  • Amy Kule, MD
  • David J. Magid, MD, MPH
  • Aaron M. Orkin, MD, MSc, MPH
  • Eunice M. Singletary, MD
  • Tammy M. Slater, DNP, MS, ACNP-BC
  • Janel M. Swain, BSc, BEd, ACP*

*This article represents the author’s opinions and does not represent the official policy or position of the Uniformed Services University, Defense Department, or US government

Consult the 2020 manuscript to access additional information.(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)


Nathan P. Charlton, Jeffrey L. Pellegrino, Amy Kule, Tammy M. Slater, Jonathan L. Epstein, Gustavo E. Flores, Craig A. Goolsby*, Aaron M. Orkin, Eunice M. Singletary, Janel M. Swain

*This article represents the author’s opinions and does not represent the official policy or position of the Uniformed Services University, Defense Department, or US government

Consult the 2019 manuscript to access additional information.(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)


Eunice M. Singletary, Nathan P. Charlton, Jonathan L. Epstein, Jeffrey D. Ferguson, Jan L. Jensen, Andrew I. MacPherson, Jeffrey L. Pellegrino, William “Will” R. Smith, Janel M. Swain, Luis F. Lojero-Wheatley, and David A. Zideman

Consult the 2015 manuscript to access additional information.(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)


David Markenson, Jeffrey D. Ferguson, Leon Chameides, Pascal Cassan, Kin-Lai Chung, Jonathan Epstein, Louis Gonzales, Rita Ann Herrington, Jeffrey L. Pellegrino, Norda Ratcliff, and Adam Singer

Consult the 2010 manuscript to access additional information.(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)(link opens in new window)