June 1 - 7 is CPR and AED Awareness Week!  There's never been a better time to learn CPR.
Find a CPR Course
American Heart Association logoAmerican Heart Association


The AHA is the leader in resuscitation science, education, and training, and publisher of the official Guidelines for CPR and ECC. Millions of healthcare providers and others trust the AHA for their lifesaving training, and 100% of the AHA's profits go back into supporting its lifesaving mission.
Students practicing CPR on manikins in a CPR class

June 1 - 7 is CPR and AED Awareness Week!

There's never been a better time to learn CPR.

Find a CPR Course

Need Training for your Organization?

Protect your workforce and make sure your team is ready to act in an emergency. Our Health & Safety Business Solutions team will evaluate your needs and help determine the best training program for your organization.

Get Training Evaluation
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Need Training for your Organization?

Protect your workforce and make sure your team is ready to act in an emergency. Our Health & Safety Business Solutions team will evaluate your needs and help determine the best training program for your organization.


Request Training

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Build a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan

A Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (CERP) is a written document that establishes the specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest. Use our CERP implementation guide and checklists for your school, workplace, or sports facility.


Create a CERP

Need Training?

Health & Safety Business Solutions with the American Heart Association can provide access to custom training solutions for your organization.

Get Training Evaluation(link opens in new window)

Build a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan

Share. Practice. Activate.
The American Heart Association has developed three Cardiac Emergency Response Plan checklists for General workplace and community organizations, Schools, and Sports Facilities.

Download the checklists

Learn CPR. Save a Life.

You never know when you'll need to save a life. With Faster, Flexible and Quality CPR & First Aid Training, the American Heart Association can help make sure you are ready with a variety of courses designed to prepare you for real life situations. Be the Beat and learn the simple 2 Steps to Save a Life with Hands-Only CPR and learn about how to use an AED with Hands-Only CPR + AED. It could help you save a life. Let us show you how at Heart.org/HandsOnlyCPR.

You have the power to restart a Heart. Learn more about our Courses & Kits. Look into our Course Information Guide

Download the Course Information Guide now

Find a Class Near You

Our network of authorized AHA Training Centers and Instructors offer in-person classroom training and skills sessions. Schedule training, find contact information, or see course options for your local Training Center with our online tools.
Find a Training Center near you

Training Materials

Purchase Options

Learn about your options for purchasing training materials including student and Instructor materials, online courses, and more.


Students can complete online training on their own time and at their own pace. See all blended learning and eLearning course offerings.


Purchase digital versions of our CPR, First Aid and Emergency Cardiovascular Care titles today.

Course Cards

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Find information on AHA Course Completion Cards, including the Course Card Reference Guide, FAQ, and the steps to access eCards.

Training Resources

AHA Instructors

Interested in training others in the lifesaving skills of first aid, CPR, and AED? Read about the steps to become an AHA Instructor.

Course Information

Courses are offered at any level of training, from healthcare professionals to workplaces and community organizations.

FAQs & Support

Visit our FAQs and support resources for information on ECC courses and products, programs, and more.
Heartsaver Virtual Kit

Heartsaver Virtual - 100% Virtual Training

New from the American Heart Association, the Heartsaver® Virtual is here. A convenient training kit and app solution allows you the flexibility to take Heartsaver® eLearning courses and complete a virtual hands-on skills session with an instructor 100% online. Heartsaver offers flexible and high-quality training that is the hallmark of the American Heart Association (AHA).