Emergency Cardiovascular Care — Volunteer Interest

ECC Science Volunteer Form – All areas of interest 

If you would like to apply to serve on the ECC Committee or Subcommittees, or any other area of interest to volunteer, please complete the application form at the link below.

ECC Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

The American Heart Association recognizes the importance of increasing diversity and inclusivity among our volunteers and improving diversity among our volunteers.  The ECC is committed to not only improving diversity and inclusion of the resuscitation and first aid experts that serve on our committees, writing groups, and programs, but also addressing and improving disparities in resuscitation research and education.

ECC Committee Chair

Jeanette Previdi, BSN, RN
Quality Improvement Specialist

The Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee (ECC) is responsible for directing and setting standards for care and resuscitation of patients in cardiac arrest. Our goal is a world where no one dies from cardiac arrest. Through its three subcommittees and one emphasis group, the ECC Committee reviews the science of cardiac arrest care, produces the AHA Guidelines for Emergency Cardiovascular Care and Resuscitation, and supports the development of the training programs used throughout the United States for both healthcare professionals and lay rescuers.

ECC Committee

The Education Science and Programs Subcommittee (ESP) disseminates and evaluates the training programs for both in and out-of-hospital resuscitation. ESP uses the latest in adult learning research and tools to ensure knowledge acquisition and retention.

Emily Diederich, MD, MS


Emily Diederich, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Pulmonary,
Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
University of Kansas Medical Center

Martin Pusic, MD, PhD


Martin Pusic, MD, PhD
Associate Physician in Medicine,
Division of Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine,
Harvard Medical School

The Science Subcommittee is primarily responsible for reviewing the new science of resuscitation in concert with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (a group of international resuscitation volunteers that form consensus on science and treatment recommendations). The Subcommittee supports the writing groups to provide the latest updates on Basic and Advanced life support for neonates, pediatric and adults, Identification of research priorities and advocacy for funding to support this research promote the development of new knowledge to achieve our goals.

Marina Del Rios, MD, MS


Marina Del Rios, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine,
University of Iowa Health Care,
Carver College of Medicine

Jason Bartos, MD, PhD


Jason Bartos, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Cardiovascular Division,
University of Minnesota

The Systems of Care (SOC) Subcommittee develops and evaluates quality improvement projects to assist committees, emergency medical services and hospitals to enhance resuscitation care through a systems approach.

Jose Cabanas, MD, MPH


Jose Cabanas, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer
Wake County Government

Jon Rittenberger, MD, MS


Jon Rittenberger, MD, MS
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Robert Packer Hospital,
Guthrie Medical Group

The Pediatric Emphasis Group (PEG), composed of pediatric representatives from the three Subcommittees supports and directs the unique aspects of pediatric resuscitation for the Guidelines and statements related to pediatric emergency cardiovascular care.

Janice Tijssen, MD, MSc, FRCPC


Janice Tijssen, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Paediatric Critical Care Physician,
Children’s Hospital,
London Health Sciences Centre
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics,
Western University

Jonathan Duff, MD, MEd


Jonathan Duff, MD, MEd
University of Alberta