Which “red flag” signs and symptoms are most important for first aid providers to learn to identify? |
What is the role of positioning in individuals with a decreased level of alertness (ie, supine vs recovery) on the incidence and detection of cardiac arrest? |
What is the effect of passive leg raise on individuals experiencing syncope and shock in the first aid setting? |
What is the effectiveness of oxygen administered in the first aid setting for adults or children exhibiting signs or symptoms of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or hypoxia? Are there important safety concerns in the first aid setting? |
How accurate and trustworthy are pulse oximeters used by first aid providers, and what is the role of the pulse oximeter as a component of a first aid assessment? |
What barriers exist for first aid providers assisting individuals to take their own medication during acute exacerbations of asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes? |
What are the most effective, safe, and practical rewarming methods for hypothermic people in the first aid setting? |
What are the most effective and practical rewarming methods for individuals with frostbite? |
What is the best way for first aid providers to assess the severity of hypothermia? Are first aid providers willing and able to accurately measure core temperature? |
Are untrained rescuers and first aid providers able to effectively apply tourniquets to control life-threatening bleeding? Does this vary between various manufactured and improvised devices? |
Is indirect manual pressure, including use of compression of pressure points or the use of mechanical pressure devices, effective for bleeding control in the first aid setting? |
Are open chest wounds best managed with occlusive dressings or with nonocclusive dressings or left open in the first aid setting? |
Will the dead option of spine immobilization practices cause benefit or harm for injured individuals? |
Does splinting of long-bone fractures reduce pain or improve outcome? |
Is straightening of an angulated fracture by first aid providers associated with less pain, bleeding, or nerve or muscle injury compared with immobilization in the position found? |
What are the ideal cooling method and duration for thermal burns treated in the first aid setting? |